Online SUBLIMATOR® Appearances
Though you can find many SUB reviews on the web, we’ve collected a few reviews, collabs and social media appearances that really add to the conversation. If you’d like to submit a testimonial or full review, feel free to contact us with questions to help you get started! Once you’re done, we’ll be happy to have it added here. Keep On Subbin’!
“I’m higher than I’ve ever been in my life”
Sampling Amsterdam’s finest herbs on our Subs! This Wiz Khalifa Euro Tour video has our Subs around 3 minutes in, but the whole series is worth a watch. Thanks to Wiz’s touring crew for giving us the name drop “Subliminator” and featuring our product!
Play Video from Beginning

+ Full Master Glass 45mm Kit
R-KIEM Seeds honors SUBLIMATOR® with a superb new strain of hybrid seeds bred for use with our Subs + high quality resin extractions. You can see some growing on our Instagram!
“Its buds bathed in trichomes and terpenes give off a powerful fruity and acidic Kush flavor… Due to its unique characteristics, SUBLIMATOR is an incredible variety to make resin extractions.”
- Available Now from R-KIEM
- Select stores in UK, Spain, France, EU
- Coming to more NA locations soon!
In my experience, as little as .1 grams of herb can yield thick satisfying clouds of vapor. I’ve never been able to reproduce vapor this thick from such little plant material with any other vaporizer. While some of the science of the Sublimator escapes me, I can say without a doubt that there is some impressive science at work inside the atomizer. Keep reading

+ E-Nail, Flight Tube, Accessories
Years ago, Vape Critic put out a highly controversial review of our SUBLIMATOR® units. Along with a couple hundred pages of FC conversation including all sorts of scientific claims (which is mostly sorted out), we got a second chance to discuss our Subs and it’s been fantastic!
In this follow-up review of SUBLIMATOR®, we’re happy to see the Vape Critic talking a bit more science – some day soon we’ll get him fully up to speed, as it’s not just “the part you put your herb in,” it’s our patented atomizer that goes BEYOND and the source of GASIFICATION! Keep reading

+ Full Master Glass 45mm Kit
Well, you may see lavender and roses every day if that’s in your Subbing line-up, but the Mayor of Naples sampling lavender on our Subs? We’re honored! Thanks for making a celeb appearance during our Sublitour through Naples!
More awesome moments and tons of SUBCULTURE in our Sub YouTube Archives
User Testimonials
We’ve received many lovely messages from SubCulture about how SUBLIMATOR® has redefined your medical experience & made your days better, and that’s all we ever wanted. We’ve taken out names and private details from all these messages so we can post more – if you want to claim your quote and have your name written in, please contact us about your kind words!
Can’t wait to be able to try one of these out! They are truly beautiful and amazing concept! Well done guys, keep up the work to you and your team!!! [Re: ORION™]
USER COMMENTHello! Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart for helping the process of getting this medical grade device out to the world. I’ve had mine for a very long time now two of them actually.
USER SUBMISSIONCan’t wait to expand my favorite vaporizer set. The Orion looks amazing!!! Truly the best way to medicate. Hands down.
USER SUBMISSIONMy friends and I commend you years ago for this product of invention as you know the subculture still rides with you stronger than ever! Wishing you the best of endeavors from here on out with your team and production crew. Sublimator has brought a smile to a few and it was that moment I knew we have something special in our hands. …
Keep on subbing it! – Subculture Forever
Can’t wait for this to come back I have had so much sessions that floored me with flower and dabs. Amazing vaporizer.
USER COMMENTI’m definitely looking forward to the next phase! The Sublimator is the heaviest most bad-ass vape kit there is. …
In terms of vapour production, I think it’s already perfect.
My Sub is my best device hands down. I don’t have a unit that will out perform my Sublimator. … It is super efficient and packs a hell of a punch. Plus it’s nice to be able to do double deckers.